Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wedding Tea Light Ideas

I am sure that you are familiar with the TEA LIGHTS by encountering theses in your daily life but you might not be fully aware of the fact that these provides a beautiful source wedding lighting…

Wedding Tea Lights

Wedding Tea Lights

Wedding Tea Lights

Wedding Tea Lights

Wedding Tea Lights

Wedding Tea Lights

Wedding Tea Lights

The tiny candles are used such that the melting occurs in their cases of aluminum and this can be considered to be one of the benefit of making these safe to be used out anywhere where you may want to put any of the combustible wedding accessories.

Mainly, the arrays of tea lights are used to decorate the way of the entrance of the guests as they are stunning when placed together and also for setting up a quixotic mood for the wedding celebration.

You may place these tea lights of different colors in the way like a group or if you want to see their more fabulous effect then you may use additions along with these. You may add gravel or sand along with it and after placing it in a paper bag then it will enlighten your wedding like a wedding beautiful wedding centerpiece with lights phenomenon inside it. But keep the bag open for precautionary purpose.

Tea Lights when places in a Sea-Shell holders especially made for them makes a beautiful wedding centerpiece. You just have to purchase or collect some of the sea shells from the beach or from shops. After that you have to paint those sea-shells with non combustible paint with the color you like or a color that is according to the theme of the wedding.

More suggestively, you should go for a glittering paint that will provide shine to the centerpiece when the candle is being lightened up. Place tea-lights inside your just created creations and this is all you will have to pay for a grand and beautiful wedding centerpiece along with the combination of wedding lighting.

One more wonderful idea that you will love to adore is to use the glass holders for holding the tea-lights which will also require only some of crafty things and jar of glass big enough for holding the tea-lights. You have to spread a craft-glue on the outer sides of the jars and paste the cuttings of the colored over it in your favorite pattern. After placing the tea light inside this creation, they will make it shine and also your wedding.

All of these wedding ideas for wedding decoration are the affordable and easy to make and use, so try you may easily try these Tea Lights… 

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